In each flight operation safety is a function of the quality of human performance understood both as technical training and as a way through which this professionalism is applied. It has long been known that human-related errors contribute to more than 70% of accidents. The risk increases for the rotating wing, whose operations – by nature complex – often take place in hostile environments with tight safety margins.
The Human Factor Department was born with the aim of contributing to the maintenance of high safety standards of flight operations through the systematic application of human factor principles in the training, check and continuous improvement of CRM (Crew Resorce Management) and NOTECHS (No Technical Skills) skills of crews and all personnel responsible to different degrees of flight safety (instructors, specialists, maintainers, managers).
The added value is offered by the use of the FLIGHT SIMULATOR as a training tool:this allows pilots to live experience the non-technical aspects of their flight conduct(situational awareness and decision making, integration and crew co-ordering, error management, etc..) making CRM learning contextualized, effective and immediate.
• External:costumed NOTECHS matrix construction, Start-up for HF Sectors, Human Resources Management in Aviation, Organizational/Managerial, HF Operators Supervision (instructors, facilitators, sector managers), Coaching; • Internal: Internal PersonalTraining (CRM Maintenance), Organizational HF Consulting, Ad Hoc Refresher Courses, Coaching
HPL (Human Performance and Limitations),
HF Maintenance (Human Factor Maintenance),
Teaching and Learning instructors Techniques
CRMI (Crew Resource Management Instructor),
MCC (Multi Crew Cooperation);
NOTECHS (Tecniche di Valutazione NOTECHS, CRM (Droni),
TRM (Total Resource Management – Medicina, off-shore, etc),
SELEZIONE (Tecniche di colloquio di selezione).